10.Western Black RhinocerosThe West African Black Rhinoceros was found in several countries towards the southeast region of Africa. It was declared officially extinct in 2011.
10.Western Black RhinocerosThe West African Black Rhinoceros was found in several countries towards the southeast region of Africa. It was declared officially extinct in 2011.
Credit : iucn-csg.org
9. Baiji White DolphinIt not officially recorded as extinct, no one has seen a Yangtze River Dolphin since 2002 in China.
9. Baiji White DolphinIt not officially recorded as extinct, no one has seen a Yangtze River Dolphin since 2002 in China.
Credit : pinterest.es
8. Pyrenean IbexOne of four subspecies of the Spanish Ibex or Iberian Goat that was found in the Iberian Peninsula. The last Pyrenean Ibex was killed by a falling tree in northern Spainin 2000.
8. Pyrenean IbexOne of four subspecies of the Spanish Ibex or Iberian Goat that was found in the Iberian Peninsula. The last Pyrenean Ibex was killed by a falling tree in northern Spainin 2000.
Credit : commons.wikimedia.org
7. Passenger PigeonNative to North America, the Passenger or Wild Pigeon has been extinct since the early 20th century. Died out in the wild by around 1900, with the last known individual dying in captivity in 1914.
7. Passenger PigeonNative to North America, the Passenger or Wild Pigeon has been extinct since the early 20th century. Died out in the wild by around 1900, with the last known individual dying in captivity in 1914.
Credit : sci.news
6. Tasmanian TigerThe last wild Tasmanian Tiger was killed between 1910 and 1920, with the last captive one dying in Hobart Zoo, Tasmania in 1936.
6. Tasmanian TigerThe last wild Tasmanian Tiger was killed between 1910 and 1920, with the last captive one dying in Hobart Zoo, Tasmania in 1936.
Credit : wall.alphacoders.com
5. Stellers Sea CowA naturalist who discovered the creature in 1741, Stellers Sea Cow was a large herbivorous mammal. Within 27 years of discovery by Europeans, Steller’s Sea Cow was hunted to extinction.
5. Stellers Sea CowA naturalist who discovered the creature in 1741, Stellers Sea Cow was a large herbivorous mammal. Within 27 years of discovery by Europeans, Steller’s Sea Cow was hunted to extinction.
Credit : chardandilminsternews.co.uk
4. Great Auk
A large and flightless bird found in the North Atlantic and
as far south as Northern Spain. The last of these birds was killed by three men who caught it on St Kilda, Scotland in 1844.
4. Great AukA large and flightless bird found in the North Atlantic andas far south as Northern Spain. The last of these birds was killed by three men who caught it on St Kilda, Scotland in 1844.
3. DodoAn extinct flightless bird that inhabited Mauritius,The last widely accepted sighting of a Dodo was in 1662.
3. DodoAn extinct flightless bird that inhabited Mauritius,The last widely accepted sighting of a Dodo was in 1662.
2. Woolly MammothThe Woolly Mammoth eventually disappeared 10,000 years ago through a combination of hunting by humans and disappearance of its habitat through climate change.
2. Woolly MammothThe Woolly Mammoth eventually disappeared 10,000 years ago through a combination of hunting by humans and disappearance of its habitat through climate change.
Credit : depositsmag.com
1. Sabre-toothed CatSabre-toothed Tigers or Sabre-toothed Lions, they existed 55 million to 11,700 years ago.
1. Sabre-toothed CatSabre-toothed Tigers or Sabre-toothed Lions, they existed 55 million to 11,700 years ago.