Plagiarism Rules In India

Plagiarism Rules In India

Plagiarism Rules in India

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work or ideas without giving them proper credit or permission. In India, it is taken very seriously, and there are several policies in place to prevent and punish it.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is the primary governing body for higher education in India, and it has developed a set of guidelines to prevent  in academic research. These guidelines were first introduced in 2018 and have since been updated in 2021 to make them more stringent.

The guidelines define plagiarism as “the act of taking someone else’s work and presenting it as one’s own without proper acknowledgement or citation.” They apply to all forms of academic research, including theses, dissertations, research papers, and books.

Plagiarism Rules In India

The UGC guidelines require all universities to develop their  policy and to establish an institutional mechanism to prevent and detect plagiarism. The mechanism includes the appointment of a officer or committee, the use of  detection software, and the implementation of penalties for those found guilty.

The penalties can be severe, ranging from a warning or suspension to the revocation of degrees or dismissal from the university. The severity of the penalty depends on the extent and the intention of the offender.

To prevent it, the UGC guidelines recommend that researchers give proper credit to all sources used in their work. They also suggest that universities should provide training to students and faculty on research ethics and plagiarism prevention.

In addition to the UGC guidelines, there are also several other policies in place to prevent it in India. For example, the Indian Patent Act of 1970 requires that all patent applications be original and not copied from existing works.

Furthermore, the Copyright Act of 1957 protects the rights of authors and creators and allows them to take legal action against anyone who copies or reproduces their work without permission.

India’s Plagiarism Rules:

The rules  in India with example: Plagiarism is considered an academic and ethical offense in India. Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s work, ideas, or words without giving proper credit to the original author or source. In India, the rules for plagiarism are set by various educational institutions, research organizations, and legal systems.

One example of plagiarism in India is the case of Anand P. Gupta, a professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Kanpur. In 2016, a group of students accused Gupta of plagiarism in his research papers and filed a complaint with the IIT administration.

Upon investigation, it was found that Gupta had plagiarized large portions of text from other researchers’ papers in at least five of his own papers. The IIT Kanpur administration set up a committee to investigate the matter, and after reviewing the evidence, they found Gupta guilty of plagiarism.

As a result of the investigation, Gupta was removed from his position as the head of the mechanical engineering department at IIT Kanpur and was also barred from supervising any students for five years. In addition, his research papers were retracted from various academic journals.

This case highlights the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of plagiarism in academic research. It also underscores the need for universities and academic institutions to take strict action against those who engage in such unethical practices.


Some of the rules of plagiarism in India are as follows:

Academic institutions like universities and colleges in India have their own plagiarism policies, which they expect their students and faculty to follow. These policies usually require students and researchers to cite all sources of information that they use in their work and ensure that their work is original and free of plagiarism.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) of India has also established guidelines for plagiarism that all institutions must follow. The guidelines define plagiarism and provide rules and procedures for detecting and addressing cases of plagiarism.

In addition to the academic and institutional rules, Indian law also recognizes plagiarism as an offense. The Copyright Act of 1957 provides legal protection to original works of authorship, including literary, artistic, and scientific works. Plagiarism can result in legal action against the offender, including fines and imprisonment.

Examples of plagiarism in India can include copying and pasting text from a website or another source without proper citation, submitting someone else’s work as one’s own, or translating someone else’s work into another language and presenting it as one’s own. It can also include using ideas or research findings from another author’s work without proper attribution.

In recent years, several high-profile cases of plagiarism have been reported in India, including cases involving prominent politicians, journalists, and academics. These cases have led to increased awareness and enforcement of plagiarism rules in the country.

Overall, Plagiarism Is Taken Seriously in India, and it is important for students, researchers, and professionals to understand and follow the rules and guidelines to avoid any legal or ethical consequences.

Plagiarism act come under which section in India

Plagiarism is not specifically mentioned as a separate offense under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) or any other specific act. However, certain acts related to plagiarism, such as copyright infringement, can be punished under various sections of the Indian laws.

The Copyright Act of 1957 protects the original works of authors, composers, artists, and other creators from being copied or reproduced without permission. Section 51 of the Copyright Act provides for various penalties for infringement of copyright, including imprisonment for up to three years and/or a fine.

Similarly, the Information Technology (IT) Act of 2000 has provisions to prevent cybercrime, including intellectual property rights infringement, which can include plagiarism of online content. Section 43 of the IT Act provides for penalties, including imprisonment and/or a fine, for unauthorized access to a computer or computer system.

In the academic context, universities and other educational institutions have their own plagiarism policies, as mentioned in my previous answer. These policies may include penalties such as suspension, expulsion, or revocation of degrees for students found guilty of plagiarism.

In summary, It is not specifically mentioned as a separate offense in Indian law, various acts related to intellectual property rights and cybercrime can be used to punish instances of plagiarism. Additionally, educational institutions have their own policies and mechanisms to prevent and address plagiarism in the academic context.


Plagiarism can have several negative impacts on both the individual who commits it and the broader community, including:

  1. Ethical and moral concerns: Plgiarism is a violation of academic and professional ethics and undermines the fundamental principles of intellectual honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is seen as a form of cheating and deception, and can lead to a loss of trust and credibility.
  2. Legal consequences: It can lead to legal action, especially if the original work is protected by copyright. In such cases, the offender can face penalties such as fines, lawsuits, and even imprisonment.
  3. Academic and professional consequences: It can harm one’s academic and professional reputation and credibility, and can have long-term negative consequences on one’s career. It can lead to a loss of academic or professional opportunities, as well as damage to one’s relationships with peers, colleagues, and employers.
  4. Educational consequences:It undermines the learning process and the purpose of education. It prevents individuals from developing critical thinking, research, and writing skills, and can lead to a lack of understanding and mastery of the subject matter.
  5. Social consequences: It can have broader social consequences by perpetuating misinformation, undermining the integrity of academic research and scientific discoveries, and hindering progress and innovation.

In summary, plagiaris can have significant negative impacts on the individual, the academic and professional community, and society as a whole. It is essential to promote academic integrity, ethical conduct, and accountability to prevent plagiarism and its negative consequences.



How much plagiarism is allowed?

There is no acceptable amount of plagaris. Any act of taking someone else’s work and presenting it as one’s own without proper attribution or permission is considered a violation of academic and professional ethics. It is essential to give proper credit to all sources used in research to maintain academic integrity and avoid plag.

What are UGC norms on plagiarism?

The University Grants Commission (UGC) in India has established guidelines on plagiarism that apply to all forms of academic research. These guidelines require universities to develop their own policy and establish an institutional mechanism to prevent and detect it, which includes the use of  detection software.

What is punishment for plagiarism?

The punishment  can range from failing an assignment or course to suspension, expulsion, revocation of academic credentials, loss of employment, legal action, fines, or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense and the laws in the jurisdiction where it occurred.

Can you go to jail for accidentally plagiarizing?

No, it is unlikely that someone would go to jail for accidentally plagiarizing. It is generally considered to be an academic or intellectual offense, and the consequences typically involve remediation and disciplinary action rather than criminal charges.

How do professors know if you plagiarized?

Professors can identify through various methods such as using plagiarism detection software that matches the text with online sources or other student submissions, comparing the writing style and quality of the submitted work with previous assignments, and checking for inconsistencies in citation and referencing.


It is a serious offense in India, and there are several policies in place to prevent and punish it. The UGC guidelines provide a framework for universities to develop their own policies, and there are also laws in place to protect the rights of authors and creators. By following these guidelines and laws, researchers can ensure that their work is original and that they give proper credit to all sources used in their research.


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