UPSC Interview

UPSC Interview

Key Tips to Craft a Powerful Essay in UPSC CSE Mains

An annual competitive test called the Civil Service Examination is used to select civil service officers. The Union Public Service Commission administers this test in three phases: an objective preliminary exam, a subjective main exam, and a final interview.

The UPSC Interview or Personality Test Only 1–2% of all candidates make it this far. It takes held in Delhi’s UPSC Bhawan. Additionally, here is where the exam will end up.

The most common inquiries in personality tests are the candidate’s hobbies, as well as current events, general knowledge, and scenario-based inquiries.

  1. apply for ongoing recruitment: click here
  2. Daily The Hindu and Indian express Newspaper click here
  3. Notes and test series click here
  4. DO you want a mentor for your UPSC preparation Click here


What is UPSC interview?

The UPSC interview is a two-way conversation between UPSC candidates and the UPSC board officers. A discussion covering a variety of subjects lasts for around 20 minutes. Although the interview may be intimidating, confidence, soft skills, and pertinent preparation may help you do well interview of upsc.

This is done to assess a candidate’s critical thinking and personality. Only the main exam and the personality test are taken into account for the final grade. Preliminaries are solely used for screening. To engage in conversation with the officers during the interview portion of the UPSC Exam, candidates must possess strong communication skills.

Because there aren’t as many applicants at this stage, there is a lot of competition, therefore applicants should have a plan in place before going in for the interview. Let’s examine the strategy and process for IAS interviews.

The UPSC interview is a two-way conversation between UPSC candidates and the UPSC board officers. A discussion covering a variety of subjects lasts for around 20 minutes.

UPSC Interview process
Although the interview may be intimidating, confidence, soft skills, and pertinent preparation may help you do well. Although there isn’t a set IAS Interview method, past applicants were gracious enough to offer their insights.

Prior to the interview, the applicants arrive at the location. The security officers examine their identification documents and interrogate call letters. The best course of action is to carry official identification to prevent misunderstanding.
The applicants must turn in their cell phones and other personal items at the bhawan following adequate security checks.In the entry hall, the facility’s personnel verifies the caste and education certificates. The locals are kind and even give the candidates snacks and newspapers.
The applicants are then required to respond to a questionnaire for the UPSC’s research and analysis needs. The candidates are given a panel number and the sequence of their interviews is determined when the papers have been verified and submitted. The panel’s chairperson’s identity is kept secret.

The contenders then congregate in a big group before being separated into panels. Here, everyone from the same panel’s pupils is waiting. Here, too, the reimbursement documents are filled out. Each interview lasts around 20 minutes and the panel interviews 5 to 6 applicants at once. Although there is no time restriction, they often end around 20 to 30 minutes.
One by one, the staff members shout out the names. The candidate is escorted by a staff member from one room to the next throughout the interview. Typically, the time to arrive is 8:45 AM, and their turns start at 10:00 AM. Their sequence number is mostly responsible for this. We suggest that you get here after a substantial breakfast.

This is the general timetable on the day of the UPSC interview. For each and every aspirant, it is a singular experience. A successful interview requires self-assurance and composure. These two actions will make things simpler for you.

UPSC interview questions
The syllabus for the UPSC Interview is not well specified. In this procedure, the police are free to question about anything. Here, the goal is to gauge your personality more than your knowledge. Your intelligence is already put to the test in the UPSC Prelims and UPSC Mains.

More than those items are being examined in this instance. Following are some common and recurrent inquiries, according to prior candidates:

Introduction UPSC Interview Questions click here

  1. An Introduction about yourself.
  2. Where do you come from? Tell us about your native place.
  3. What does your name mean?
  4. Tell us a bit about your family background

Education UPSC Interview Questions

  1. Tell us about your school or college. How was your experience?
  2. How can your major help the public administration of India?
  3. Which subject did you like the most?
  4. What was the reason behind choosing a particular course in the institution?
  5. What kind of projects did you do during your graduation?
  6. What kind of student were you? Why?

Current Affairs Interview Questions for UPSC

  1. What are today’s newspaper headlines?
  2. What do you remember from today;’ paper?
  3. Tell us about an ongoing issue in your state or hometown.

Work and Hobby Related Interview Questions for UPSC

  1. What were your major responsibilities at your job or work?
  2. Why do you think you are fit for this post?
  3. How do you think your past experience will benefit the country?
  4. They can question you about your interests and hobbies as well.

Optional Subject UPSC Interview Questions

  1. Why did you choose this optional subject?
  2. Why did you choose your major subject as optional?
  3. What are thoughts about – theories, prominent people, new additions related to your optional.

Strategy for UPSC Interview Preparation click here

  1. Don’t miss out on important national and international events right now.
  2. Examine your application and get ready for inquiries based on those particulars.
  3. To enhance your communication abilities, practise in front of a mirror or with others.
  4. To enhance your gestures and body language during the interview, try to videotape yourself.
  5. Go over the schedule and assignments for your classes and college.
  6. Don’t attempt to provide the ideal response. Instead, express your thoughts with confidence and honesty.

UPSC Interview Common Mistakes

  • Try to remain calm on the interview day to avoid stress and anxiety.
  • Don’t lie about anything. Be honest about your answers and details.
  • Instead of focusing on the practical aspect, try to move towards framing your opinions.
  • Try and avoid any argument over any topic with the panel. Remember patience is one important personality raut of officers.
The total marks of the interview round are 275 and the highest marks in UPSC ever in the personality test has been secured by Zainab Sayeed in 2014. She got record marks of 220 out of 275 and her rank in UPSC was 107
between 65% and 75%
Therefore, a score anywhere between 65% and 75% is considered to be a good score in the UPSC interview. The candidates very rarely score marks above 75% in the interview. The purpose of the UPSC interview is to check whether the candidate is suitable for a career in civil services.
Real UPSC interview questions transcripts

21/06/2022 (afternoon)
Board= B.V. Vyas
Keywords=civil engineering, Rjasthan, PWD, hockey
Hobbies= yoga, cricket, swimming ( no questions from here)

1. What r u doing since x many years ?
2. What is remote sensing ? How it help in civil engineering and forest management?
3. Use of GPS in surveying ? and how it works ?
4. Long question on GPS could not remember.
5. What r different survey organisations under Moefcc?
6. Have u ever visited Moefcc website?
7. What is geographical information system?
8. Geospatial data and an agreement signed related to this with which country?
9.what is minor forest produce? Is non-timber forest produce and minor forest produce r same?
10. How national highways r numbered? Which NH have u taken while travelling from Jaipur to Delhi?
11. Differences between various kind of roads such as Village road, MDR, NH, expressways etc. Based on carriage way width.
12. What is berm?
13. Can u certify UPSC building as earthquake resistant?
14. What r the govt. Schemes for making buildings accessible for PWDs and how will u make them accessible?

M1 (lady)
1. What is ecotourism policy of Rajasthan?
2. Negative impacts of ecotourism?
3. How drones were helpful during covid-19 pandemic?
4. What is kishan drones? Their usages?
5. What is land digitisation programmes of different states? How this will be helpful?
6.Meaning of ‘satyamev jayate’ to u ?

1. What r the type of forests in Rajasthan?
2. What is the botanical name of khejri tree?
3. What r the salient features of plastic management rules?
4. Reasons of subsequent amendments ?

1. Have u ever planted any tree?
2. How will u ensure afforestation of desert area?
3. Is Aerial seeding suitable for desert region?
4. What is carbon stock ?
5. What was the corona like pandemic 100 years ago?
6. There is a term being frequently mentioned about ongoing pandemic – “new normal”. What is it?

Chairman again: anyone else what to ask question? sabke mana karne par Socha hoga mai hi pooch leta hu 😂
Do u know national calander of India?
What r other calanders?
What is current year according to Vikram samvat ? ( Luckily I knew all of them 🤣)

Chairman: ur interview is over, all the best.

22 June 2022
State H.P
Board – BB vyas sir
Daf – meditation, spiritual books reading, budget travel, ECE Btech, Hindi debate

Read our the Daf aloud
Issue of forest fires?
How to solve it?
Issue of Monkey menace?
What steps should be taken?
Emissions gap report? What findings it claimed in its report?
Ocean water commission?
Why are Nitrogen levels falling down?

Ramsar site?
Where is Ramsar located?
Name any two sites
Debate question – speak against motion for “naari tum keval shraddha ho” (Daf)
Which spiritual books you’ve read?
Have you read any epics? Tell your favorite shloka from Bhagwad Gita.
You talked about forest fires, what about the resin? Do you thik resin in tree and leaves also cause them?

You talked about sterilization of monkeys. I don’t support it as it is harm to their right to live. What is your stand?
What is mental health? (Daf)
Is there any definition of it by some institution?

M3- Lady member
What is the meaning of your name? (Said durga ma)
What does durga mata personify?
Name a few festivals in India by her name?
Name any 2 bharat Ratnas?
Why should you be chosen for Ifos?
Padma Bhushan, Padma Sri and Padma Vibhushan difference
Name any 3 features for the NEP 2020.

Interview over.

  1. apply for ongoing recruitment: click here
  2. Daily The Hindu and Indian express Newspaper click here
  3. Notes and test series click here


Q: Is it easy to crack IAS interview?

A: Cracking the IAS interview is difficult and requires a lot of hard work and preparation. The interview is structured  to test a candidate’s ability to think critically, express themselves clearly, and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of various issues. It is also important to have a good understanding of current affairs and be able to connect them to your personal experiences. Overall, it’s a challenging process but with the right preparation and mindset, it’s definitely achievable.

Q: How many hours is IAS interview?

A: The IAS interview typically lasts for around 3 hours. However, the exact duration may vary depending on the individual candidate and the questions asked.

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